Empty Nest Redux, Redux

Empty Nest Redux, Redux

I’ve claimed an empty nest on and off for the past four years. Each time I’ve been wrong, but I’m willing to try again. In September, our sweet dog left us for squirrels in the sky and in October, our youngest chose to move away from his parents who were annoying the...
An Ode to Ginger

An Ode to Ginger

At the end of September, we put our most favored family member to sleep. Our sweet Goldendoodle, Ginger, who was just shy of sixteen years, let us know that it was her time to leave this earth. She’d chased all of the squirrels, deer, coyotes, and rabbits off of our...
My Daughter, My Husband, and Me

My Daughter, My Husband, and Me

This week, my daughter turned twenty-five years old and my husband turned sixty years old. When we brought our baby girl home from the hospital, it was his thirty-fifth birthday. I was exhausted and overwhelmed and when we walked in the door, I handed him our daughter...
Back To School? Not This Year.

Back To School? Not This Year.

For the first time in many years, I will not be sending a child off to school. My oldest is in graduate school, but he lives with his wife and I’m not paying so it doesn’t feel as if I’m actually sending him off. Every August, for many years, has been a busy time...