Trip of a Lifetime?

Trip of a Lifetime?

In January, my husband and I took what we have described as “the trip of a lifetime.” We went to Turkey, Kenya, and South Africa. It’s a trip that we’ve talked about for years, planned for and saved for months. The trip included safaris, incredible animal sightings...
How is Your 2024 Going?

How is Your 2024 Going?

Most of us gave up on our New Year’s resolutions a couple of months ago. Some of us may have set some goals for 2024 and are realizing that we are about a quarter of the way through this year and haven’t yet started or achieved those goals. Why is it that so many of...
Box of Shoulds

Box of Shoulds

The heaviest weight that my clients carry is a big ole box of shoulds! “I should work out more.” “I should set boundaries.” “I should ask for that raise or promotion.” “I should have that hard conversation with my partner.” “I should spend more time with my kids.” And...