What Lisa Has to Say About Leadership and Life Coaching
Leadership is truly a skill that one can hone and one that develops over time and with good, solid practice. Over the years Lisa has taught thousands of people during workshops, presentations and individual coaching. Her message is always one of empowerment, understanding (and overcoming) fears, embracing one’s vulnerability and harnessing these insights for good.
For most people developing a leadership style takes time and comes through experience, self-reflection and always with a clear understanding of one’s goals. Lisa works closely with clients as they develop their leadership skills. Clients emerge from coaching sessions with a strong sense of their leadership plan and what areas are opportunities for growth. In addition to these focused coaching experiences, Lisa offers larger group workshops designed to help teams or groups of people to develop their leadership skills.
One thrilling realization Lisa’s clients often have is that personal development is dynamic and with focus, practice, and empathetic guidance one can truly grow as a leader and as a person. Lisa takes great pleasure in guiding clients to these epiphanies and delights in seeing her clients find success in ways they originally did not think possible.
Owning Our Space
I work with many executive-level women and a common theme I hear from them is the struggle to claim and own their space as leaders, both personally and professionally. Recently, I asked a group of these women if they struggled to own space due to external factors or...
I Just Need to Get Through Friday
The most common phrase I hear from clients, and also from myself, is some version of, “I just need to get through Friday, or next week, or today, etc.” It’s a version of “I’m going to suffer my way through the end of this time and then I’ll be happy.” When I have a...
What Happens When Women Change the Game
When I was in grade school, I dreaded gym class because I hated the days when we played Red Rover. For those of you who never played, kids break up into two lines facing each other and holding hands to make a human chain. They then call someone from the opposing line...
Does It Take Getting An Organ Removed To Get Some Downtime?
As part of the work that I do (and love), I am an executive coach for an organization called, Chief. Chief was started by two women with the intent of helping women get into senior leader roles, particularly in the C-suite, and to keep them there. These two women...