May 20, 2022 | Relationships |
A few weeks ago, my beloved Uncle Dave died. He was told he had six months to live and in true Uncle Dave form, he lived for nine months. Never one to follow the rules, he enjoyed every minute of his life and particularly those last few months. My brother and I...
May 5, 2022 | Parenting, Relationships
I’m sure you’ve all heard about or seen the Academy Awards show in which Will Smith slaps Chris Rock for a comment that Rock made about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. You’ve probably also read and heard hundreds of opinions about how Smith was wrong, Rock was...
Apr 7, 2022 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem, Parenting, Relationships
My brilliant daughter said something to me the other day that shook me a bit. She said, “We all just want to be loved because of who we are and not despite who we are.” How often have we said about our kids, “They drive me crazy, but I love them anyway.” Or about our...
Mar 18, 2022 | Parenting |
This month will be my 33rd wedding anniversary. My husband and I are also about six months from having all three of our children off of our payroll. I’m incredibly delighted with my three young-adult children and one adult daughter-in-law. I love getting to know them...
Feb 24, 2022 | Relationships, Stress Relief |
As a life and leadership coach, I often hear lines such as, “Everything happens for a reason.” People say it to make themselves feel better and to try to make others feel better. I get that. Who knows, maybe it’s true. I’m not sure who we could ask to find out, but...