Apr 30, 2024 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem, Relationships, Women
Have you ever had someone misinterpret your behavior? Or accuse you of feeling something that you don’t feel? How frustrated were you when that happened? A wise therapist once told me that when someone intentionally misunderstands us, they are “indulging in crazy...
Feb 28, 2024 | Parenting, Relationships
Coaching and therapy are two unique helping modalities that are based on a confidential relationship between the client and the coach or therapist. It’s a crucial part of that relationship because without it . . . well without it, why bother? Having a safe place...
Jan 24, 2024 | Relationships
Last fall, we had to put our sweet old dog Ginger down. My family was heartbroken, me especially. I told everyone that I was going to get a dog in a few years and just enjoy a quiet empty nest for now. Well, that ended when a friend sent me a picture of a puppy with...
Jun 9, 2023 | Leadership & Career Development, Relationships |
One of my favorite comedy skits is this one with Bob Newhart as a therapist. My favorite line, “Stop it.” This week, as in so many weeks in my life, I’ve seen some women working hard to cancel or take down other women. Stop it. Seriously, stop it now. I do some...
Mar 17, 2023 | Relationships |
Last week marked thirty-three years of marriage for my husband and me. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s a small miracle that we have made it this far. Neither he nor I have quiet, laidback personalities, neither of us like to give in, and mostly we rarely like to...