Why is Everyone so Angry?

Why is Everyone so Angry?

Maybe I’m just more aware of it or maybe it’s social media but my gosh, people arereally angry these days. The vitriol, the cruel words, the threats, and the division are sointense and so exhausting. It’s hard not to get angry back. And it would beunderstandable if...
Managing the Speed of Change

Managing the Speed of Change

Our world is moving faster and faster with technology, round the clock connectivity, anda global mindset. On the one hand, there’s so much we can do with technology andconnectivity. On the other hand, it’s just exhausting. My clients tell me all the timeabout how...
Is Business Etiquette Dead?

Is Business Etiquette Dead?

Some people in my life have been on the job hunt and I’ve been shocked by the lack ofdecency that is given to people applying for jobs. Often, no response at all when acompany receives a resume or application. Yes, I understand they receive manyresumes and...