Why is Everyone so Angry?

Why is Everyone so Angry?

Maybe I’m just more aware of it or maybe it’s social media but my gosh, people arereally angry these days. The vitriol, the cruel words, the threats, and the division are sointense and so exhausting. It’s hard not to get angry back. And it would beunderstandable if...
Gratitude Revisited

Gratitude Revisited

I know it’s not for a few months, but Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I really like stuffing and mashed potatoes and I also really like the idea of gratitude. Many years ago, when I was in a really emotionally down space, a friend bought me a...
Revisiting Balance and Boundaries

Revisiting Balance and Boundaries

Apparently, the topic of balance and setting boundaries is going to be an ongoing one for my clients and me. I used to hear about it mostly from women but, for better or worse, lots of men seem to be struggling with the same issues. We live in an incredibly fast-paced...