Mar 19, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem |
A few weeks ago, I woke up with an absolutely miserable stomach bug. I couldn’t function at all. I cancelled my whole work day. When my husband called to check on me, I couldn’t even answer the phone. I couldn’t read or even watch tv. At one point, I just asked God to...
Mar 5, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem |
From work situations to personal relationships, it seems success in these, and almost all areas, comes from confidence. When we have faith in ourselves, we have a belief that we can achieve what we want. Yet how do we get confidence? So many of my clients and people...
Feb 26, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem |
As most of us adults can suggest, some days are better than others and some years are better than others. We all go through tough times, sometimes even tragic times. Life is a series of events and some of them we love and some, not so much. One of my clients, who was...
Feb 12, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem
Many of my clients tell me that they are tolerating situations and people in their lives that are not working very well. They have unhappy relationships that are toxic either at work or at home, situations that are draining them, and a feeling of dread around these...
Jan 15, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem
One of my brilliant clients and I were discussing how she just gets up and goes into her day and rarely stops to check in with herself. She doesn’t stop to see if she’s focused on what she wants and how she wants her day to proceed. She admitted that keeping busy...
Jan 8, 2025 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem
Raise your hand if you’ve made the same New Year’s resolution for many years in a row? (Author raises her hand). Me, I have! Maybe it’s because New Year’s resolutions are a bizarre way of setting goals or maybe we just don’t know how to set goals. Either way, rarely...