Gain Insights From Lisa About Women’s Empowerment

Since starting her business Lisa has been a women’s empowerment coach. Working with women at every stage of life has been some of the most fulfilling work Lisa has undertaken.

What exactly is a women’s empowerment coach? In this role Lisa works with women who find themselves at a crossroads in life. Leaving the workforce. Returning to the workforce. Changing professional goals. Getting married. Getting divorced. Finding oneself in mid-life. Leadership goals. Assertiveness in the work place. These are all lifecourse junctures during which a woman might benefit from a greater sense of self and empowerment. Lisa works with each client to define and achieve exciting personal goals.

Lisa is expert in helping women to: find their voice, set goals and achieve them, develop confidence and solution-centered plans, to unlock the next chapters of their lives in fulfilling ways that bring happiness, increased self-esteem and insight into how life can be lived to the fullest everyday.

Finding Our Humanity Through Kindness and Compassion

Finding Our Humanity Through Kindness and Compassion

My daughter is a freshman at Pennsylvania State University. (Penn State for those of us who are paying the bills.) My girl is having one heck of a time at her school. She loves her sorority, her dorm floor, and the beauty that comes with being on her own and having...

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Wedded Bliss?

Wedded Bliss?

This month marks twenty-seven years of marriage for me and my groom. It's been a helluva ride. I'm sure there are cliff drops ahead, but I like to do a little relationship analysis every year. Here are a few epiphanies I've had this year. You can't force change. It...

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The First-Ever Husband Approved Blog

The First-Ever Husband Approved Blog

Although I’ve referred to my husband in many blogs, I’ve never actually asked for and received approval to write about him. My husband is one of the funniest people I know and a perfect day for him is when he says something really funny while I’m drinking and I laugh...

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Twenty-Four Years of Parenting

Twenty-Four Years of Parenting

This week marks the 24th anniversary of my entry into parenthood. The person who welcomed me to the job is a rather wonderful young man who has made my parenting journey a very nice one. I’d like to take credit for how fabulous he is, but he deserves the kudos far...

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Smart Women, Inspired Lives: How to Be Happy & Confident


Building Self Confidence Right This Minute

{Steps 1, 2, and 3}

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