Gain Insights From Lisa About Women’s Empowerment

Since starting her business Lisa has been a women’s empowerment coach. Working with women at every stage of life has been some of the most fulfilling work Lisa has undertaken.

What exactly is a women’s empowerment coach? In this role Lisa works with women who find themselves at a crossroads in life. Leaving the workforce. Returning to the workforce. Changing professional goals. Getting married. Getting divorced. Finding oneself in mid-life. Leadership goals. Assertiveness in the work place. These are all lifecourse junctures during which a woman might benefit from a greater sense of self and empowerment. Lisa works with each client to define and achieve exciting personal goals.

Lisa is expert in helping women to: find their voice, set goals and achieve them, develop confidence and solution-centered plans, to unlock the next chapters of their lives in fulfilling ways that bring happiness, increased self-esteem and insight into how life can be lived to the fullest everyday.

The Biggest Mom Fail of 2017 (So Far!)

The Biggest Mom Fail of 2017 (So Far!)

My youngest child is a senior in high school and in the process of looking at colleges. This summer, he did a few college visits with his older brother. At the end of the summer, I brought him and my daughter on a business trip with me to look at another school. We...

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Your Child in a Word

Your Child in a Word

Often, when I’m talking to parents of young school-aged children, I ask them to come up with a word or phrase that they hope will describe their child when they are eighteen years old. I do this to help parents look at the end of most of their parenting duties and...

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Modeling Friendships for our Daughters

Modeling Friendships for our Daughters

A friend asked me to write about the topic of female friendships. She noticed that most of her female friends are telling their daughters how to be good friends, yet not modeling those behaviors themselves. It’s an interesting, yet disappointing point of view and one...

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Smart Women, Inspired Lives: How to Be Happy & Confident


Building Self Confidence Right This Minute

{Steps 1, 2, and 3}

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