Gain Insights From Lisa About Women’s Empowerment
Since starting her business Lisa has been a women’s empowerment coach. Working with women at every stage of life has been some of the most fulfilling work Lisa has undertaken.
What exactly is a women’s empowerment coach? In this role Lisa works with women who find themselves at a crossroads in life. Leaving the workforce. Returning to the workforce. Changing professional goals. Getting married. Getting divorced. Finding oneself in mid-life. Leadership goals. Assertiveness in the work place. These are all lifecourse junctures during which a woman might benefit from a greater sense of self and empowerment. Lisa works with each client to define and achieve exciting personal goals.
Lisa is expert in helping women to: find their voice, set goals and achieve them, develop confidence and solution-centered plans, to unlock the next chapters of their lives in fulfilling ways that bring happiness, increased self-esteem and insight into how life can be lived to the fullest everyday.
Can Women Get Along?
As part of my work, I teach executive presence classes for women. In February, I had four bright and engaged women in my class. I’d like to think that our experience could be representative of women as a collective all over the world. These four women were successful,...
The Thirty-Year Marriage
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my in-law’s sixtieth wedding anniversary and how much I admire their marriage. Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated our thirtieth wedding anniversary. It’s slightly awkward, since we got married when we were ten years old, so we are...
Are We Sending Our Kids Down a Passion Path That’s Making Them Miserable?
How come our kids are so unhappy? How come so many of them are struggling with anxiety and depression? Why don’t they like college the way we did? Why don’t they look forward to adulthood the way many of us did when we were their age? There are lots of theories that...
The 60-Year Wedding Anniversary
In December of 2019, my family celebrated the 60-year wedding anniversary of my in-laws. It was a quiet, but joyful, celebration of a truly remarkable marriage. I’ve known my in-laws for over thirty years. I find them each to be wonderful, kind, and smart people. Yet,...