This Saturday, my oldest child is getting married. In my mind he’s still a toddler, which might make the wedding pictures kind of awkward. But still, that’s how I often think of him. As every parent often says, “It went so fast.” And it did. I have glimpses of memories of an adorable chatty toddler, a quiet teen-ager, and now a wise and kind young man. I’m overcome with emotion when I think of him as a husband and maybe someday a father. I’m filled with joy as he enters this stage of adulthood.
It isn’t that I believe that marriage is a necessary stage of adulthood. I don’t. I know that marriage, or even highly committed relationships, are not for everyone. Yet a committed relationship is clearly something that my son desires and I’m happy for him that he has found his person. Mostly, I’m happy that he has found someone that he wants to share his life with. As a mother, it brings me great comfort to know that someone else loves him and will look after my boy and he will look after his future wife as well.
Life can be challenging and having a supportive partner by one’s side can be comforting and joyful. Also, as any married person will tell you, it’s also extremely challenging on any given day! I look forward to watching my son and his wife navigate those waters and hope that their generation improves on marriage and partnership.
When a child gets married their parent is joyful to know someone will love and care for them as they did. #parenting #weddings #marriage Click To TweetWhen I held my son for the very first time, I whispered the names of all of the people that already loved him. I cried as I whispered his father and I, his grandparents, cousin, aunt, uncles, and even beloved great grandparents. I didn’t know at the time that he would also have two siblings, more cousins, and wonderful friends who also love him, but I whispered the possibility of all of those relationships into my baby’s ear. I wanted him to feel loved from the moment he entered the world and every day thereafter.
On that day in 1993, I also whispered the possibility of a true love who might be at his side through all of the experiences that life has to offer. On Saturday, that possibility will be the beautiful young woman that he has chosen to be his wife. My imagination on the day of my son’s birth didn’t do justice to the reality of my future daughter-in-law. She is far better than any hopeful vision that I had. I’m not sure if she pictured our crazy family as in-laws, but for better or worse, that’s who she is getting!
If I’m given permission to do so, I will share some pictures with all of you in the near future. Now I’m off to find waterproof mascara for the big day!

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC
Made me cry! 😘😘
Lisa, what beautiful thoughts/comments you have shared with all your followers. Hard to believe your son is old enough to get married. Enjoy the wedding and all the happiness to follow…
Absolutely beautiful. Special wishes to the bride and groom❤️
Lisa ,It is such an emotional day!! I still am trying to believe my Michael just married too. I flashed back remembering all the way back to his early birth if he will make it while in the NICU. As he walked me down the isle and gave me such a huge long hug we just both stood there in time. It’s a moment I will cherish forever with him my new grown married son. Please just enjoy yourselves on Saturday because it just flies by. Yes I missed pictures with people who came out of town but you just cant be everywhere but most importantly the memories we all made that day are what we have to cherish with them forever. 💕Can’t wait to share Stevens wedding day with all of you. He will make a wonderful husband and she will make an awesome wife to him Along having the greatest support system ever you and your husband at his side. Just enjoy every moment and don’t let anything except happiness and joy run through your heart. You and Ken raised a fine young man . Its your day too to celebrate with everyone too!!!❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹
Beautifully said!
Beautiful Lisa! You said it perfect someone to Love our child as much as a mother does.
Lisa, I’m so excited for all of you!!!! Have a wonderful time and remember to take in those important moments!! I was given a great piece of advice when Brittany got married. You will be pulled in many directions and everyone will want to talk to you. It will not be rude to excuse yourself when they have their first dance, cut the cake, etc. just enjoy the special moments and have fun!!!❤️