What is the one true secret of happiness? It’s surprisingly easy and yet often difficult for most of us to achieve. The true secret of happiness is to find your passions and to follow them throughout your life. When we are unhappy we have fallen off the path of what means the most to us. What do we value most? What are we doing when we feel happiest, in the groove, the most energetic and joyful? If you know what that is and you aren’t doing it, I’m guessing you aren’t very happy.
Allow Your Passion to Transport You to Your Happy Place
Passion comes when we get into that space that time just stops and we flow into what we are doing seamlessly. What activities or pursuits do that for you? It can be a physical pursuit or an intellectual one. It can be emotional or spiritual but whatever it is, it absolutely transports you to your really happy place. So why aren’t we all doing this?
It seems we’ve learned to negatively judge what we value most. One of my clients absolutely loved being home after school and hanging out with her kids but felt guilty because she “should” be doing something else. Once she realized that her passion was her kids and she allowed herself to simply enjoy that time, she started to feel happy and content. Another client thought that she should spend every moment entertaining or connecting with her children and thus have little time for her own passions. Once she allowed herself to get over the guilt and read a book or talk to a friend, she felt so much more fulfilled and less anxious about her children.
The True Secret of Happiness
Your passion or purpose is unique to you, valuable beyond measure, and the true secret to a happy life. If you don’t know what that is, start looking for it by noticing what you are attracted to throughout your day and week. Stop judging yourself and worrying about what others think and start pursuing what you love. Have you always wanted to write, ice skate, dance, help others, start your own business or even sing in front of others? Then find a way to add it to your life right now and bring on the happy dance!
Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC