Last month, I wrote a blog post about making space for ourselves emotionally. I’ve heard so many clients tell me how they have no time or space to think or to be present in the moment. They are overwhelmed, stressed out, and lacking in motivation and creativity. Although technology has added a great deal to our lives, it has also taken a lot of space away from us.

A pandemic that forced us to make physical space between each other actually led to less emotional space due to Zoom and team meetings and more time in back-to-back meetings. The irony is that most of us are now craving space in our lives and aren’t sure how to get more of it.

As you start the second half of 2022, how are you going to make space to be present, think, dream, and create? Join the July “Making Space” Challenge to reclaim space for what really matters. #stress #overwhelm #selfcare #creativity Click To Tweet

So, each week of July I’ll offer up a new “Making Space” challenge for myself and for all of you. As you start the second half of 2022, how are you going to make space to be present, think, dream, and create? Let’s get to it with our first challenge.

Challenge #1

Really think about where and when you need and want more space in your life. Do you have breaks at work? Any free time at home? Is your mind constantly filled with worries and to do items? Where are you most lacking space. Take some space to actually figure that out. That’s your first challenge.

Good luck and watch for challenge #2 next week!


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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