When I look back over the past three years and the dramatic changes that I’ve made in my life, I try to think clearly about how I got here so that I can help others do the same.  I’ve been sharing some of these secrets with you in my “7 steps to leadership of your life” posts.  However, the biggest secret to the changes in my life came from the people who I call my power circle.  Here is a short list of who I think you should have in your power circle.

1. Optimists

They believe that the world is generally a good and wonderful place.  They have faith in people, and growth, and change, and recovery, and hopefulness when things don’t seem that way.  They are the people who promise you that things will get better even when you aren’t so sure of it yourself.  If at least an optimist or two doesn’t surround you, you might want to change that.  Don’t go for fake optimists but rather the real thing.  Real optimists are realists and hopeful.  They acknowledge the reality but seek to make it better.

2. A mentor

Someone who knows more than you do and who wants to help you succeed in an area of your life in which you might need a little help.  A mentor doesn’t necessarily have to be older but they should be a bit wiser than you in order to show you the ropes.

3. Friends who make you laugh

It’s good to have a variety of friends but having one or two friends who make you belly laugh is really priceless.  I’m blessed with a few of these friends and I can always count on them to say something so spot on funny that nothing else really matters.  Life is really too short to be too serious, too often.  Find some gigglers!

I’m assuming you will have other people in your life who support you but I think these three types of people make life a little more wonderful.  Who would you include in your power circle?


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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