So many of the leaders that I work with tell me how desperately stressed out they are. They are under time pressure, emotional pressure, budget issues, and personnel and personality issues. It makes sense that they are feeling stress and overwhelm. We often talk about the possibility of removing some of the stressors and yet often, not all of those stressors can be removed. Then we talk about what leaders can do when they can’t remove the stressors. What choices do they have?

Ultimately, if we can’t remove a stressor, our best option is to change how we perceive that stressor. This makes sense to leaders and yet what they often tell me is that the best way to reduce stress is to work, even when they are under stress. So in other words, they are super stressed out and then they try to be creative and productive from that space. And guess what happens? They are less productive, less creative, and more stressed.

The concept of addressing stress by working ultimately doesn’t make much sense. What if we first managed our stress and then went after our work obligations? Think about it. If I’m calm and in a relatively low stress space, I’m more creative, functional, and productive. I get more done with less time and with far less aggravation. If I try to push myself to work harder from an already stressed-out space, I get even more stressed out and get less done.

Want to be more productive and creative at work? Reduce your stress level with some self-care first, and tackle your workload second. #stress #work #leadership #management Click To Tweet

How do we release some stress first? That’s often unique to each of us, but maybe it’s getting organized about the work we want to accomplish and laying our plan out for the day. Maybe it’s a bit of exercise or meditation. Maybe it’s some music and quiet time. Start with recognizing what helps you reduce stress and do that first! Even if it’s for five or ten minutes. Any stress reduction is going to help you work smarter and more efficiently, and thus it’s worth your time.

Think about changing the order of your day in starting with stress reduction and then moving on to work. You think you’ll be less productive? Do your own study and observe your productivity and creativity after you reduce stress. I’m comfortable saying that you are about to be more productive and less miserable doing it. Let me know how it goes.


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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