Our upcoming presidential election appears to be between two older men. This isn’t a
post about politics so I won’t tell you who I will vote for in November. If you know me,
you know my answer. What I will tell you is that I’m hearing so much judgment about
older people. Name calling, cruel imitation, bad jokes, and flat out cruelty about older
people’s ability to run our country.
Well I have two people who I think would be great American Presidents and/or Vice
Presidents, my parents. My parents are both in their 80s. Both of them are sharp as a
tack with clear thinking, fully independent, good citizens, and wiser than most other
people I know. They are both hunched over a bit, they both forget some words here and
there, and both are slowing down a bit and yet, they are more than qualified to run there
lives and more, if necessary.
My father is the wisest person I know, also the kindest. He can talk to you about a
variety of topics, he is thoughtful, well read, and has spent his life as a true
independent. He’s voted for the “best person”’ with the faith that being a good person
will lead to good leadership. Mostly, he’s been correct. My father has the ability to take a
complex concept, break it down, and discuss it in a way that is palatable to any
audience. He is sincere, earnest, and thoughtful in all he does. He’s polite, a good
tipper, and the most loyal husband, father, and grandfather than anyone else I know.
We’d be lucky to have him as our president.
My mother is ridiculously organized. She could have our government operating
efficiently in days. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with my mother. She has no time
for your whining and complaining and you’d best do what she says or suffer her wrath.
My mom loves animals and orderliness, in that order. I have faith that she could run our
country more efficiently than we’ve seen in centuries. She’s also have a really good gym
at the white house and a great manicurist on staff.
My point, a not so subtle one, is that we as a country are outrageously judging people
based on their age. We are ruling out candidates because they look old and sometimes
they act their age. We aren’t recognizing the wisdom that often comes with age. We
aren’t being patient or respectful which makes me wonder where else we are displaying
such blatant ageism.
Here’s a news flash, if we are lucky, we are all going to get old. Getting old is a gift that
good health and good luck lead us to. As I get older, I feel more confident, more calm,
and a whole lot wiser than I was when I was younger. I’m younger than both presidential
candidates and yet I feel that as I continue to age, my competency and wisdom will only
grow. The thought of being talked about and treated the way the candidates are being
treated, makes me sad. It makes me wonder how my parents are being treated daily.
As a society, we are so lucky to have older citizens who bring life skills, wisdom, and
experience to our collective experience. Maybe it’s time to thank them for what they’ve
given to our society and to treat them with respect, even if we don’t plan on voting for
them and even if they aren’t respectful to us.
In the meantime, I’m pretty sure my parents will turn down my nomination for president
and vice president. My parents are busy living busy, full, productive lives and helping
others in doing so. They deserve our support and respect.

Certified Professional Coach and Psychologist
How often have you wished for that person in your life who listens deeply, doesn’t judge you, and doesn’t try to fix you? That person who holds space for you to talk through your struggles, your hopes, and dreams so that you can live the personal and professional life that you truly want? I’m that person. Yes, I’m a psychologist and a professional life and leadership coach but my superpower is listening, deep, empathic, compassionate listening. If you’ve been seeking a professional listener who will help you live the life you truly desire, let’s set up a time to talk. My email is Lisa@LisaKaplin.com.
I’m so glad you said this! I’m disappointed in the ageism that keeps coming up regarding the candidates – particularly towards one of the candidates, even though he is clearly the one with the best mind and the best health. Your parents sound great!
I’d vote for your parents too! Thank you Lisa for your weekly newsletter. I look forward to your refreshing ideas each week. Let’s continue to move ahead with grace, wisdom and action.