Recently, I watched a Ted Talk by Kelly McGonigal that really shook me up. McGonigal is a health psychologist and in the talk presented some of her research around stress that essentially led her to realize that stress really isn’t the problem in most of our lives. It turns out that how we look at stress is the big problem. McGonigal found that people who have a healthy mindset around stress are not only healthier, but happier people.
People who have a healthy mindset around stress are not only healthier, but happier people. Click To TweetThe talk shook me up because I spend a lot of time working with clients on how to reduce stress. Don’t we all want to reduce stress? Certainly we want to reduce tragedies and major mishaps from our lives, but what if the rest of it was just part of the journey and really needs to be savored, versus avoided? So I picked up McGonigal’s book, “The Upside of Stress.: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It.” in order to find out more.
It all made sense.
I strongly recommend the book, but here’s the line that I most want to share with all of you. “A meaningful life is a stressful life.” Yes, McGonigal not only believes this, but she has the scientific studies to back it up. Once I really thought about that line, it all made sense. Meaning is not made through life being easy, but rather through us moving through the challenges of life.
Meaning is not made through life being easy, but rather through moving through life's challenges. Click To TweetBeing a parent is incredibly meaningful and outrageously stressful. Having a life partner is often very meaningful, but again periodically stressful. I’m sure you could go through a whole list of meaningful aspects of your life and realize just how stressful they can be. Yet here’s the key: Looking at that stress differently is the way to manage it.
What if we looked for meaning in all of our stressful situations?
What if we actually saw stress as the wonderful outcome of challenging ourselves and growing in our lives? What if we looked for meaning in all of our stressful situations? What if we knew that each challenge we faced would ultimately lead to more meaning in our lives and realize that meaning is rarely found at the end of an unfulfilled day?
Starting my own business has been one of the best adventures I’ve ever taken, but it has been REALLY stressful. After reading McGonigal’s book, I realized that I’ve never wanted to end the stress from my business, but that I actually thrive on it. It challenges me in so many ways and it is a wild, exciting ride. So are you ready to get on the stress rollercoaster and enjoy the excitement of the ride? I don’t think you are going to regret it!
Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

Don’t Let Stress Control Your Life
Stress is literally killing us. It is physically debilitating, emotionally exhausting, and a true relationship destroyer. Much of the common stress reduction advice is superficial and at best a Band-Aid. Lisa’s tried and true approach to permanent stress reduction has changed many of her client’s lives. She teaches you the exact steps you need to take to reduce stress for good regardless of the chaos around you.- When you know how to reduce the stress in your life and your reaction to it, you will be filled with happiness and relief.
- You will no longer fear stressful situations or how you will feel when you confront them.
- Without all of that stress your relationships will improve, you will be more productive, and filled with amazing energy.