Our world is moving faster and faster with technology, round the clock connectivity, and
a global mindset. On the one hand, there’s so much we can do with technology and
connectivity. On the other hand, it’s just exhausting. My clients tell me all the time
about how exhausted they are with the pace of change, the constant notifications, and
the 24-hour access.
We can’t change the speed of change. It’s happening whether we like it or not. We
can, however, change how we manage and perceive that speed. Can you change your
notification settings so that you aren’t notified the exact second someone pings you?
Can you pick very specific times of day to look through your notifications? If you are
getting notified all day and all night, you are never actually fully able to focus on what
you are doing in that moment. It’s a form of multitasking that isn’t effective.
Changing some of the external demands will help us to manage the speed of change
and yet, often, we are not able to change the frequency of notifications, the demands
on when we need to respond to emails, etc. In these cases, the way to manage the
speed of change is to change our mindset around it. If you are saying to yourself, I’m
not able to handle the speed of change, then you are already looking at the situation
in a space of helplessness and hopelessness. And although that is understandable,
it’s not very helpful.
You can control the pace of your thinking, your feelings, and how you show up. How can
you slow your thinking down? That’s unique to each of us, though some type of
breathing and mindfulness is sure to help. Can you write things down that you want to
think about later so that you aren’t thinking about them now? What can you let go of in
your mind?
The best way to slow your feelings down is to stop and notice what you are feeling.
Look at your emotions without judgment and with curiosity. No feeling is bad.
They are all normal and part of how you are experiencing life. Be fully present with
your thoughts and feelings and you will notice how you and those thoughts and feelings,
slow down. Be present with your actions as well by noticing how your body feels. Stop
and do a body scan. Are you holding tension anywhere? If so, release it. Can you slow
your physical pace down just a bit and see how that feels?
Our world is going quickly and you want to keep up, but not at the cost of your physical
and mental health. Use this opportunity to think about how you can slow things down so
that you can enjoy your life and all that it has to offer. Let me know how you do.

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC
Do you need help finding your voice, developing confidence and solution-centered plans to unlock the next chapter of your life in fulfilling ways that bring happiness and increased self-esteem (so that you’re not as affected by the crazy making behavior of others?) If so, I can help. Click here to learn more or inquire about my leadership and empowerment individual coaching options.