What Lisa Has to Say About Leadership and Life Coaching
Leadership is truly a skill that one can hone and one that develops over time and with good, solid practice. Over the years Lisa has taught thousands of people during workshops, presentations and individual coaching. Her message is always one of empowerment, understanding (and overcoming) fears, embracing one’s vulnerability and harnessing these insights for good.
For most people developing a leadership style takes time and comes through experience, self-reflection and always with a clear understanding of one’s goals. Lisa works closely with clients as they develop their leadership skills. Clients emerge from coaching sessions with a strong sense of their leadership plan and what areas are opportunities for growth. In addition to these focused coaching experiences, Lisa offers larger group workshops designed to help teams or groups of people to develop their leadership skills.
One thrilling realization Lisa’s clients often have is that personal development is dynamic and with focus, practice, and empathetic guidance one can truly grow as a leader and as a person. Lisa takes great pleasure in guiding clients to these epiphanies and delights in seeing her clients find success in ways they originally did not think possible.
The Way to Stop Organizational Turnover – (It’s So Much Easier Than You Think!)
Here’s the short answer: Change your culture from a “work is everything” motto to a“life is everything” motto and mean it. Treat your employees as the holistic, life seeking,joy seeking humans that they are. Give them interesting work and then insist that theyonly do...
Why is Everyone so Angry?
Maybe I’m just more aware of it or maybe it’s social media but my gosh, people arereally angry these days. The vitriol, the cruel words, the threats, and the division are sointense and so exhausting. It’s hard not to get angry back. And it would beunderstandable if...
What If There Is No Such Thing As Broken?
Clients frequently tell me how broken they are. “I’m so messed up, so broken.” “Can youbelieve I said these things?” My clients feel broken. They feel as if something is wrong withthem. The broken feeling is understandable when things aren’t going well, when...
Managing the Speed of Change
Our world is moving faster and faster with technology, round the clock connectivity, anda global mindset. On the one hand, there’s so much we can do with technology andconnectivity. On the other hand, it’s just exhausting. My clients tell me all the timeabout how...