How are you doing on the Making Space Challenges? I’m realizing how hard it is to be fully present in the moment and to make space in my head just to be. I tend to go towards what’s on my calendar and to-do list, and like most of us, I have almost every minute of my work day (and beyond) filled with meetings and activities. Zoom and Teams has made this problem even worse because they allow us to go from meeting to meeting without a break.

My challenge for you this week, and one that I often work on with my clients, is to block some “space” time in your calendar. If you’ve never blocked any free space on your calendar, I challenge you to start small. Maybe an hour a week. However, use that time to put all electronics away. Sit quietly and allow your mind to enjoy that space just for you to think and be present in the moment.

Want more time for rest and creativity? Schedule a meeting with yourself. #rest #mindfulness #presence #creativity Click To Tweet

If your job doesn’t allow for much space during the work day, see if you can add a bit of space to your personal time. Or, your job is required to give you a lunch break, so why not use that time to turn off all electronics and be fully present?

Let me know how you do with your calendar blocks.


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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