One of my brilliant clients and I were discussing how she just gets up and goes into her day and rarely stops to check in with herself. She doesn’t stop to see if she’s focused on what she wants and how she wants her day to proceed. She admitted that keeping busy keeps her from worrying about things and it allows her to maintain the status quo. Yet the status quo wasn’t what she wanted. So I asked her why she rarely stops during the day, and she said, “It’s a lot of work to stop.”
We both laughed out loud at what she said and how she said it and then we dug into what she really meant. She said that to stop throughout her day she’d have to be in the moment and choose to stop. That was hard for her because she was frequently thinking ten steps ahead, worrying about what might be, or focusing on something that happened in the past. Like most of us, it was hard for my client to be in the moment. She was heading toward burnout, and she knew it.
Let’s face it, my client is right. Sometimes it’s hard to be in the moment. It means we might want to check in with ourselves, put our calendars and phones away, and just be here now. It means checking in with our thoughts and feelings. It means checking how our bodies are feeling and if we are carrying the stress of the day in our bodies. It means letting go of the past so that you can be fully in the moment before you.
What’s the benefit of being in the moment? Well, it’s all you’ve got. If you are focused on the future or worried about the past, then you are not fully in the present moment.
You are not with you, and you certainly are not fully with anyone else either. It can be hard to stop and yet when we do, we are giving ourselves a beautiful gift of peace.
Peace because we can’t control the future, and we can’t change the past. All we have is the minute in front of us. For that, we might want to stop and be present, even if it’s hard.

Certified Professional Coach and Psychologist
How often have you wished for that person in your life who listens deeply, doesn’t judge you, and doesn’t try to fix you? That person who holds space for you to talk through your struggles, your hopes, and dreams so that you can live the personal and professional life that you truly want? I’m that person. Yes, I’m a psychologist and a professional life and leadership coach but my superpower is listening, deep, empathic, compassionate listening. If you’ve been seeking a professional listener who will help you live the life you truly desire, let’s set up a time to talk. My email is