Earlier this year, my husband and I took the trip of a lifetime to Kenya and South Africa.
We ended this amazing trip in Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town has a troubling
history and the city still struggles with a variety of issues. Yet it is a captivating place to
visit with glorious views, kind people, beaches, mountains, and fantastic food culture.
On our last day there, my husband and I took an uber to a beautiful area called Kalk
Bay. A Cape Town local had recommended a seaside restaurant with great food and
even better views.

We walked into the restaurant without a reservation and we were lucky enough to get a
table with great views (though not the best in the house) and we settled in to our last
meal of the vacation. The restaurant was just above where the local fisherman docked
with fresh fish for the day so the day’s specials varied, yet all were as fresh as they
could possibly be. We were just served our meal when another American couple came
into the restaurant. They were given the best table at the windows facing the mountains
and the ocean. The couple ordered a beautiful bottle of wine, which the waiter poured
as they were about to order their lunch.

Suddenly, we heard the woman raising her voice and yelling at the waiter because she
had just been informed that they weren’t serving salmon that day. She immediately
asked for the manager and she proceeded to let the manager have a piece of her mind.
The woman said, “You’ve ruined my whole day. I wanted salmon. That’s why I came
here. It’s just my luck that you don’t have salmon and you have absolutely ruined my
day.” It was quite the scene when she and her husband got up from the table and
stormed out of this beautiful restaurant because they didn’t have salmon that day.

Now it’s highly possible that many other things had gone wrong for her on this day, or
even that week. Yet based on her husband’s lack of reaction, I’m going to guess that
this isn’t the first time this woman let a lack of salmon on the menu ruin her day. I was
sad for her and honestly a bit embarrassed as she didn’t represent Americans in a very
favorable light. I like salmon too. I had planned on ordering that as well. I’ve actually
been known to want to cry when I can’t get the food I wanted, so I had some
empathy for this woman.

Yet I also wanted to hand her my business card and to tell her that the restaurant didn’t
ruin her day, she ruined her own day. She was in one of the most beautiful places in the
world, she was with her husband, they could afford a lovely lunch with wine and slightly
pricey seafood, and they had the very best table in the whole place. She had a choice,
as we all do, to let disappointment ruin her day or to feel the disappointment and then
still have a fantastic day. It was always her choice.

Life happens. Restaurants run out of salmon. Things don’t go the way we want them
to. Sometimes really bad things happen, really sad things happen. Even then, we
get to choose how we respond to those situations. We get to choose if we ruin our own
day or if we find another fish to try.

We get to choose to revel in the beauty of a seaside town in South Africa or storm out of a restaurant because they didn’t have salmon. I ended up having the sushi that day and it was delicious. I wish my American friends
would have stayed and found some joy in a salmon alternative. Life’s way too short and
way too precious to ruin a day over fish.


Certified Professional Coach and Psychologist


How often have you wished for that person in your life who listens deeply, doesn’t judge you, and doesn’t try to fix you? That person who holds space for you to talk through your struggles, your hopes, and dreams so that you can live the personal and professional life that you truly want? I’m that person. Yes, I’m a psychologist and a professional life and leadership coach but my superpower is listening, deep, empathic, compassionate listening. If you’ve been seeking a professional listener who will help you live the life you truly desire, let’s set up a time to talk. My email is Lisa@LisaKaplin.com

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