A fear of food, what does that mean?
As part of my own health journey I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the really messed up messages about diet, exercise, and food that surrounds American culture. Don’t eat this, eat that, never eat this, eat only organic, give up wheat and dairy, never eat sugar, do lots of cleanses, cut calories, eat more calories, cut out food groups, only eat super foods, exercise hours a day, lift weights, don’t lift weights, eat protein, cut out fat, and on and on the confusing recommendations go.
At some point I think a lot of us have just given up.
Food seems scary, not eating isn’t really a very good plan yet what in the heck are we supposed to eat? I’m sick and tired of being afraid of food, of worrying about what is good food and what is bad food. I want to feel good but I want to live my life without being obsessed about food and weight. What the heck does a healthy diet even look like anymore?
It isn’t really about the food.
And that’s when I had an epiphany that it isn’t really about the food or the exercise but very much about how I’m looking at it all. There really is no such thing as bad food or good food, its just food and it isn’t out to get me! What if I actually stopped listening to the rather whacked out health advise and actually started consciously listening to my body and myself? (By the way, this should not replace the care of a doctor and if necessary a qualified nutritionist) What would happen if I stopped fearing food and fearing hunger and started taking care of myself in a way that feels both emotionally and physically good?
Here’s what happened, I feel fabulous! I’m not afraid of food anymore. I can be in a room with a huge buffet and not fear all of that “bad” food because it is just food. If I am conscious about what is best for my body, I eat any food in moderation. It turns out that eating some food doesn’t feel good for me so guess what, I don’t eat it. Other food really gives me energy and I feel good when I eat it. It’s not about cake vs. broccoli; it’s about eating with awareness and a desire to feel good.
It isn’t about the dress size or number on the scale.
It’s also absolutely not about a dress size, or a number on the scale. It certainly isn’t about looking in the mirror and trying to convince myself that I look good or not. I’m actually using food as both a source of enjoyment and well being. What a concept! It certainly isn’t something that you will read on the cover of magazines when you walk through your grocery store.
What if we all got some serious contagious confidence around food and exercise? What if we stopped listening to every last food trend and instead started trusting ourselves? I’ve been off the food fear train for about four months now and I’d love for you to join me. Let me know how you are doing.
Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC