Last year was the year that I thought about (for far too many months) getting my health and my weight in order.  I haven’t been taking care of myself and I felt lethargic and uncomfortable in my own skin.  I have since started the process and I will fill you in more as I move forward but I wanted to share this letter that a very wise woman asked me to write to my body.

After reading it she said, “You should share this.  I think a lot of women will really be able to relate.”

So here it is.  Let me know what you think.

Dear Body of Mine,

First, let me thank you for being here and putting up with me.  You have been a real trooper.  I want to apologize to you for all of the years in which I focused strictly on your appearance.  I looked at you through critical eyes and with a focus on what others would want you to look like.  I didn’t notice how strong and powerful you were or how healthy and functional.  I only cared about your appearance.  In doing so, I often didn’t focus on feeding you with love and care and being grateful to you for all you’ve done for me.

That started to change when you held my three babies in such fine form.  You surrounded them with love, warmth, and a safe place to grow.  You fed them perfectly and kept them healthy and loved in a way that some bodies aren’t able to do.  I started to appreciate your stamina, your insistence on being strong and capable.  Yet, I still found that I was critical of you when you didn’t look the way that I thought you should, even after you did all of that hard work.  I was pretty much a mean girl and for that I’m really sorry.  You deserved better.

A few years ago I seemed to get over the whole valuing you for how you look thing.  That should have been a good thing but instead I seemed to stop caring about you at all.  I took you for granted.  I just assumed that you’d be there for me and I didn’t nourish and love you the way you deserved to be loved.  I mindlessly ate and drank as if you were unimportant to me.  I’m really sorry about that.  Again, you deserved better.  Through all of that you stayed with me.  You didn’t fall apart as badly as you could have with all of the nastiness that was heaped on you.

Body, I’m committing to you now.  I’m committing to taking care of you in the very best way that I can.  By feeding you well, by moving you frequently and productively, for appreciating both your strength and your fine appearance.  I promise to not abuse you further and to only speak kindly and compassionately to you.  I will listen to you carefully so that I can care for you the way you deserve to be cared for.

I’ve been blessed with a patient and strong body.  I won’t take you for granted again.  You and I are in this together, for the long haul.  Let’s do this as a team.


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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