Mother’s Day Realities
This weekend is Mother’s Day. I vividly remember my first Mother’s Day as a mom. My husband and I got dressed up and met my in-laws for a fancy dinner at a country club. It was a total disaster. My baby screamed bloody murder throughout the whole dinner, so I spent...
Has grit become the new must-have for our children?
Have you read the book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth? It is an excellent, well researched and well presented take on the lifelong benefits of possessing grit to accomplish one’s goals and living a happy and fulfilled life. Duckworth...
The Biggest Mom Fail of 2017 (So Far!)
My youngest child is a senior in high school and in the process of looking at colleges. This summer, he did a few college visits with his older brother. At the end of the summer, I brought him and my daughter on a business trip with me to look at another school. We...
Your Child in a Word
Often, when I’m talking to parents of young school-aged children, I ask them to come up with a word or phrase that they hope will describe their child when they are eighteen years old. I do this to help parents look at the end of most of their parenting duties and...