3 Reasons You’re An Unhappy Parent – And What You Can Do About It
Enjoy your children — don’t smother them. Parenting is hard work, but sometimes I think we make it even harder on ourselves. This can lead to unhappy parents, stressed out families and you being unable to enjoy your children’s great moments. Here are a few...The Happy and Sad Tears of Motherhood
In a couple of weeks my baby graduates from 8th grade and the era of mothering grade schoolers will be over for me. Part of me is filled with joy that I will never have to attend a painful school picnic, or parent/teacher meeting yet there is another part of me that...
Grateful Children? 3 Easy Ways to Turn Your Children from Greedy to Grateful
I hear similar stories from the parents I work with and from friends, “How come my children are ungrateful little brats?” From years of working with parents, I’ve come to the realization that parents seem to expect their children to be born grateful...
Bullies? I wonder where they got that.
It seems that almost every day we read a terrible story of a child suffering chronic abuse at the hands of bullies. These aptly named people seem to be relentless in their ability to attack, demean, and belittle their intended victim. In trying to understand why...