The Last Summer?

The Last Summer?

This week my oldest son left to work in Europe for the next ten months. When he gets back, he is planning to go to graduate school. Those are both really amazing things and although I’m very proud of him, my mom brain has been going a bit crazy. All summer I’ve been...

Dear Mean Mama at Bed, Bath, and Beyond

Dear Mean Mama, Last week I was at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and I accidentally bumped against you while you were looking at lamps. You very nastily snapped at me and muttered some mean words under your breath. I’ve been known to be pretty snappy myself, so I looked...

The Kids Are Back To School Reading List

When I was a kid, I loved summer break because it meant lots more time for me to read. If my mom didn’t make me go outside every day, I probably would have laid in my bed and read book after book after book. Now, as a busy mother of three, I find summers to be more...
The Trees

The Trees

At the side of our home are two beautiful trees.  They bloom once a year with soft, fluffy white blossoms.  When the two trees are in full bloom they are truly breathtaking.  I stand at my side door smelling their fragrance and surrounding myself in the bright white...
The Carlton College Parenting Theory

The Carlton College Parenting Theory

This weekend my oldest child will graduate from college.  As with so many other major parenting events, this one brings a whole host of mixed feelings from pride and joy to fear and sadness for the quick passage of time.  I try not to have too many regrets about my...