An All Girls Camp . . . Disaster or Delightful? One Girl Spills the Truth
My 14-year-old daughter breaks my heart every summer as she joyfully hops on her camp bus to her so called “home away from home”. She leaves this Sunday so I asked her if she’d write my July blog for me. I didn’t tell her what she could or should write about and this...
Martyr Mamas and the Concrete Coat of Shoulds
I’m sure it started earlier than this but I began to notice it when I was pregnant with my first child. “You shouldn’t drink wine, or eat peanut butter or shell fish. Don’t gain more than 30 pounds (which I misunderstood to mean per month vs. the whole pregnancy).” ...
It’s Hard to be Happy for Others and the ‘Yes, But’ Parenting Technique
Sometimes it is damn hard to be happy for others! My daughter has a friend from dance who will say to her mother, “Suzy is better at ballet than I am” and the mother responds, “Yes, but you are better at hip hop than Suzy is.” Although I often found...