The Feminist and the High School Girl; is there Hope?

The Feminist and the High School Girl; is there Hope?

This is the year that my daughter begins high school.  I’m trying very hard not to be fearful or dread it yet I can’t help but remember the hell that I gave my mother and her promise that she’s going to laugh when I have my own teen-aged daughter.   Throw in my...
Martyr Mamas and the Concrete Coat of Shoulds

Martyr Mamas and the Concrete Coat of Shoulds

I’m sure it started earlier than this but I began to notice it when I was pregnant with my first child. “You shouldn’t drink wine, or eat peanut butter or shell fish.  Don’t gain more than 30 pounds (which I misunderstood to mean per month vs. the whole pregnancy).” ...
The One and Only Right Way to Parent

The One and Only Right Way to Parent

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately about stay at home moms, work outside of the home moms, wealthy moms, poor moms, moms who chew their child’s food before feeding them, and moms who eat their baby’s placenta (that’s a true story but not as gross as it...

The Very Important and Not Forgotten DAD!

Last week I wrote a blog about mothers and daughters and many people have asked me to expand on that to include fathers. I didn’t intentionally exclude dads, it’s just that my private coaching work focuses on women and I’m neither a father nor do I play one on TV....