Top Dating Mistakes that Lead to Divorce

Top Dating Mistakes that Lead to Divorce

“If it’s a red flag while you are dating, it turns into a billboard sign after you get married.” These wise words are from one of my clients who just got divorced. My work puts me into the unique position of 20/20 hindsight on dating mistakes that may lead...
The Dirty Little Secret of A Control Freak

The Dirty Little Secret of A Control Freak

About six times a year I travel for business leaving my husband and at least two children and a high-energy alpha puppy behind.  My typical practice prior to leaving is to compose an outrageously detailed novella on what my husband and children must do during every...
Bullies? I wonder where they got that.

Bullies? I wonder where they got that.

It seems that almost every day we read a terrible story of a child suffering chronic abuse at the hands of bullies.   These aptly named people seem to be relentless in their ability to attack, demean, and belittle their intended victim.  In trying to understand why...
Spanish or guitar, what’s a controlling mother to do?

Spanish or guitar, what’s a controlling mother to do?

When my oldest child was a sophomore in high school he dropped a big bomb on me.  He asked to stop taking Spanish class and instead take . . . guitar.  I’d always planned on my children being bilingual.  You may think this would be a good time to point out that that...

Mom Regrets, I’ve had a few but these aren’t them!

Last year my oldest child left for college, which happened about 24 hours after he was born.  Or at least that’s how it felt to me.  I can look back and think of a few things that I regret as his mom, nothing too serious, just a thing or two that I might change.  I...