Apr 1, 2015 | Relationships |
A few weeks ago my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. If you know us well, you may be saying to yourself, “It’s a miracle.” Honestly, you wouldn’t be too far off. Marriage certainly hasn’t been a straight path to...
Mar 19, 2015 | Relationships
Here’s what the doom loop looks like; you get to work and your normally friendly boss doesn’t say hi to you. You are sure that they don’t like you anymore so you go to your office and obsess about it all day. Your good friend hasn’t returned...
Nov 1, 2014 | Relationships
There Are a Lot of Unhappy Relationships Out There Based on statistics and what I hear from others, there are a lot of unhappy relationships out there. Half of us get divorced and it seems like a big chunk of the other half isn’t very happy. So what’s...
Oct 15, 2014 | Parenting |
The constant harping to “be careful” is making our children afraid of everything. I recently sent one of my children off to college and my other two off to high school. If the news is any indication of the state of the world, I should probably be terrified...