Wedded Bliss?

Wedded Bliss?

This month marks twenty-seven years of marriage for me and my groom. It’s been a helluva ride. I’m sure there are cliff drops ahead, but I like to do a little relationship analysis every year. Here are a few epiphanies I’ve had this year. You...
The First-Ever Husband Approved Blog

The First-Ever Husband Approved Blog

Although I’ve referred to my husband in many blogs, I’ve never actually asked for and received approval to write about him. My husband is one of the funniest people I know and a perfect day for him is when he says something really funny while I’m drinking and I laugh...
Twenty-Four Years of Parenting

Twenty-Four Years of Parenting

This week marks the 24th anniversary of my entry into parenthood. The person who welcomed me to the job is a rather wonderful young man who has made my parenting journey a very nice one. I’d like to take credit for how fabulous he is, but he deserves the kudos far...
Kids, Eggs, Baskets and You

Kids, Eggs, Baskets and You

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” It seems to mean, don’t depend on any one situation for your happiness or engagement in life. Yet I meet so many women who, within minutes of meeting them, I realize that they have all of their...
Curious Versus Defensive

Curious Versus Defensive

Recently, one of my clients got a call from one of her clients. She was sure the call was going to be a complaint and she would possibly be losing this person’s business. My client was angry and defensive, saying, “I’ve done everything for them. I’m a hard...
Intuition and Friendship

Intuition and Friendship

Have you ever had a hunch or random thought that you ignored? Then later, you realized that if you had listened to that small voice, it could have been beneficial in some way? Much of our everyday thinking happens below the surface of our awareness. A word, a memory,...