Mar 29, 2018 | Relationships
Recently, I was talking to my favorite 5th grade teacher (named Mrs. Teacher for privacy purposes), who just happens to be the mother of my future daughter-in-law. We were talking about difficult children and how they can often be unlovable and not so enjoyable to be...
Mar 15, 2018 | Relationships
After being married for twenty-eight years this month, I had a rather delayed epiphany about myself, my husband, and relationships in general. My husband had recently commented on the fact that I don’t seem to get mad at him as easily as I used to. (Let’s not even dig...
Feb 15, 2018 | Relationships |
A few weeks ago, my oldest son got engaged. We love the wonderful young woman he is marrying and were thrilled to announce their engagement to the world. Or at least to our friends on social media. Hundreds of well-wishers commented on our picture of the newly engaged...
Oct 26, 2017 | Leadership & Career Development, Relationships
As part of my business, I am a corporate trainer as well as a lead trainer for a fabulous coaching school. I love my work. I train people around leadership skills, communication, and relationships. Yet I find that when I even mention the word relationships, I get...
Oct 19, 2017 | Parenting |
Often, when I’m talking to parents of young school-aged children, I ask them to come up with a word or phrase that they hope will describe their child when they are eighteen years old. I do this to help parents look at the end of most of their parenting duties and...