Fully Present

Fully Present

When my first child was born, I was so overwhelmed and stressed out that I found it difficult to be fully present in the moment. Over time I got better at it, but I found that motherhood and its demands made it very difficult to be emotionally present. My mind was...
The Dad Advantage

The Dad Advantage

This weekend is Father’s Day. Since my father lives many states away, I won’t be spending this day with him. Yet his influence in my life has little to do with a daylong celebration once a year. When I think about the influences in my life and the people who gave me...
Dear Teachers

Dear Teachers

This week marks the last week of public school for my children. My baby is graduating from high school and although he will have teachers in college and beyond, public grade school and high school teachers are a breed all their own. I am filled with emotion this week...
Mother’s Day Realities

Mother’s Day Realities

This weekend is Mother’s Day. I vividly remember my first Mother’s Day as a mom. My husband and I got dressed up and met my in-laws for a fancy dinner at a country club. It was a total disaster. My baby screamed bloody murder throughout the whole dinner, so I spent...
Has grit become the new must-have for our children?

Has grit become the new must-have for our children?

Have you read the book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth? It is an excellent, well researched and well presented take on the lifelong benefits of possessing grit to accomplish one’s goals and living a happy and fulfilled life. Duckworth...