Oct 18, 2018 | Relationships |
Have you ever heard this saying, “Happy wife, happy life?” Or, “It’s my job to make my husband happy?” Or, “He just doesn’t make me happy?” I so often hear people talking about being responsible for someone else’s happiness or holding someone responsible for their...
Oct 4, 2018 | Leadership & Career Development, Parenting
When our family added our wonderful dog Ginger to our home, I voraciously read dog-training books. I have also been known to plow through parenting books for good tips and advice. Managerial and leadership books, same thing. I love to read and I love good...
Sep 13, 2018 | Leadership & Career Development, Relationships
Were you aware that you had a contract with every person you interact with? Did you know that you have an unspoken, unwritten contract with your partner, your kids, your co-workers, your boss, etc.? If not, you might want to check that contract out. We all walk into...
Sep 6, 2018 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem, Parenting
My youngest child started college a few weeks ago. I’ve heard so many adults say, “Enjoy it. Those are the best years of your life.” Although my college years were particularly fantastic, it wouldn’t say much about the rest of my life if those were the best years....
Aug 30, 2018 | Relationships |
Whenever I hear a phrase numerous times in a day or a week, I know it’s probably something that I both need to hear and need to share. A few weeks ago I kept hearing the phrase, “Assume good intentions.” I heard a number of co-workers who had struggled through a very...
Aug 23, 2018 | Parenting |
I’m writing this post ahead of time because on the day that it’s sent out I will be moving my youngest child into his college dorm. Two days after that move-in, my husband and I will drive away, get on a plane, and come home to an empty nest. It will be the first time...