The Empty Nest Update

The Empty Nest Update

In August, my husband, our dog, and I became empty nesters. I was both excited and apprehensive about having all of my children away from home. I love the chaos of a busy and full home and I love time with my children. On the other hand, I’ve spent the past...
The Biggest Relationship Lie

The Biggest Relationship Lie

Have you ever heard this saying, “Happy wife, happy life?” Or, “It’s my job to make my husband happy?” Or, “He just doesn’t make me happy?” I so often hear people talking about being responsible for someone else’s happiness or holding someone responsible for their...
Assume Good Intentions

Assume Good Intentions

Whenever I hear a phrase numerous times in a day or a week, I know it’s probably something that I both need to hear and need to share. A few weeks ago I kept hearing the phrase, “Assume good intentions.” I heard a number of co-workers who had struggled through a very...