Jul 11, 2019 | Parenting |
In a world filled with fancy college internships and resume fluffing, my 19-year-old son came home from college and asked if he could work as a handy man this summer. This from a young man who had probably never touched a tool in his life and had zero skills or...
Jun 27, 2019 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem, Parenting |
My daughter spent her semester abroad on a ship, Semester at Sea, that traveled around the world, stopping at a number of countries mostly through Asia and Africa. It was admittedly a parenting exercise in terror in that access to our children was limited and they...
Jun 6, 2019 | Parenting |
As this was my first year as an empty nester, I had plenty of time to look back and analyze my parenting experience. I’ve met many people who have regrets about how they parented. I’m not big on regrets since they change absolutely nothing about the past. I do,...
May 30, 2019 | Parenting |
My husband and I just finished our first school year of having an empty nest. I had mixed feelings about being an empty nester, vacillating between absolute dread and counting the minutes until our baby left for college. This seems like the perfect time to evaluate...
May 9, 2019 | Happiness Fulfillment & Self Esteem, Parenting
I vividly remember my first Mother’s Day. I had a colicky three-month-old who we dressed up for a fancy dinner with family. I managed to shower and get dressed that day, but I was exhausted and stressed from a total lack of sleep and the demands of a newborn. We got...