A Beautiful Parenting Story

A Beautiful Parenting Story

There is a lot of unhappiness in the online world including vitriol, arguments, cruelty, and such. Then there is beauty and intelligence and kindness. I want to share something that I read recently. One of my favorite bloggers, Anna Whiston-Donaldson, shared it on her...
A New Generation of Wedding Traditions

A New Generation of Wedding Traditions

My wonderful son and daughter-in-law It’s taken me some time to write about my son’s wedding, mostly because I’ve been so emotional about the whole thing. It’s hard to put into words how it feels to watch your child commit themselves to marriage and to the start of...
The Backward Happiness Hunt

The Backward Happiness Hunt

Last week, I wrote a blog post about how we’ve pushed our children to find success so that they can find happiness in life. It made me realize that most of us are on a backward happiness hunt. We’ve tied our happiness to success: financial success, material success, a...
Why Can’t Our Kids Just Live in the Moment?

Why Can’t Our Kids Just Live in the Moment?

My daughter is a senior in college. A number of people have told her that her job this year is to land a job for next year. These are well-intentioned people, her parents sometimes included in this list, but how beneficial is this advice? She could spend nearly every...
The Wedding

The Wedding

This Saturday, my oldest child is getting married. In my mind he’s still a toddler, which might make the wedding pictures kind of awkward. But still, that’s how I often think of him. As every parent often says, “It went so fast.” And it did. I have glimpses of...