Why Are We Attracted To Hatred And Negativity?
Many people tell me that they have the news on all day long. From what I can tell,regarding many of the news stations, is that they are only giving you bad news andhateful opinions. What could possibly be making you feel exhausted and hatefulafter listening to bad,...
My Parents for President
Our upcoming presidential election appears to be between two older men. This isn’t apost about politics so I won’t tell you who I will vote for in November. If you know me,you know my answer. What I will tell you is that I’m hearing so much judgment aboutolder people....
iPEC Coaching: Living A Joy-Filled Life
When challenging times are lingering a little too long, what can you do to still experience a joy-filled life? iPEC Lead Trainer, Lisa Kaplin, teaches three disciplines you can use to either change your situation or change your response to that...
Psychologist Lisa Kaplin: How to ask for support when you need it the most
Lisa Kaplin is a psychologist, certified professional life and executive coach. She joins Ji Suk Yi on WGN Radio to talk about the anxiety we’re all feeling these days during the coronavirus outbreak, why we hate asking for help, and much more.