One of my brilliant clients said something to me that really stuck. We were discussing the judgment of other people and how that can hold so many of us back. My client was talking her way through her fears of being ashamed, embarrassed, or judged and I asked her how she could manage these understandable, yet debilitating fears. She said, “Be undeniable.” What? My client talked about times when no amount of judgment or criticism could get to her because she knew she was undeniable. She had total faith in herself and no outside noise could change that.
Be undeniable to yourself is what I took from that conversation. Don’t deny your strengths, your gifts or what you have to offer the world. Your innate value can’t be denied by anyone if you don’t deny it in yourself. Someone can give you feedback on your performance or your products and that’s fine, but no outside feedback can take away your absolute value. You are priceless no matter what anyone else says. Your value is unlimited no matter what anyone else thinks.
You are always undeniable and the only thing keeping you from that is your own belief system. #confidence #selfesteem #leadership Click To TweetBe undeniable no matter what happens to you or from you. You misspoke in a meeting? Yep, that feels awful, and yet you are undeniably valuable anyway. You are having a bad hair day? No one likes those and yet, you are undeniable no matter your hair situation. You are always undeniable and the only thing keeping you from that is your own belief system. When you deny yourself or your own value, you give others permission to do the same, which validates your insecurities and makes you feel even worse.
When you hold onto your value regardless of your surroundings, you will jump off that doom loop and continue your undeniability road show! Let me know how it goes.

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC