In September, our family accountant died. It may seem odd that I’m writing a blog about our accountant and yet, it’s rare to meet someone as kind or as caring as Allen Green. In Judaism, we use the word mensch to describe someone of great integrity and honor. Allen was a true mensch. His job often required him to ask tough questions, to give bad news, and to manage lots of reactions from his clients. Allen did so with an extraordinary amount of patience and grace. 

Allen started every email to my husband and I asking after our health, our children, and our lives. He asked it sincerely in that he would always respond to our updates and would check in again later to see how things were going. Even as he got progressively more ill, he still asked after us and our family, always wishing us good holiday and health wishes. Many of his emails were requests for more money to the IRS or more information for the IRS. In other words, emails that would typically be stressful, and yet I always felt calm after reading Allen’s emails because of his kindness and his support that all would be well.

Once, Allen had to call me with some particularly challenging news. I was in New York for work when I saw that it was him calling me. When I answered he asked, “Are you sitting down?” The way he asked it just made me laugh so hard and despite the bad news, I hung up feeling happy and confident that all would be well. And of course, it was. Even on that call, Allen shared his compassion and understanding and that led to my calm response.

It was such a joy to find someone who is not only excellent at their job, but also kind, a great listener, dedicated to faith and family, and truly a pleasure to know. Allen loved his work, his faith, and his family, and he never failed to say so. When my husband and I learned of Allen’s passing, we grieved. We grieved for the loss of an incredibly kind human and family man, we grieved the loss of a truly excellent accountant, and we grieved the loss of a true mensch. 

I’m grateful that we knew this wonderful man and I’m glad we let him know how much we valued and appreciated him prior to his passing. Sometimes wonderful people play small roles in our lives, yet they play a large role in our hearts.


Certified Professional Coach and Psychologist


How often have you wished for that person in your life who listens deeply, doesn’t judge you, and doesn’t try to fix you? That person who holds space for you to talk through your struggles, your hopes, and dreams so that you can live the personal and professional life that you truly want? I’m that person. Yes, I’m a psychologist and a professional life and leadership coach but my superpower is listening, deep, empathic, compassionate listening. If you’ve been seeking a professional listener who will help you live the life you truly desire, let’s set up a time to talk. My email is

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