I have a firm policy that if I hear about a book, movie, idea, or concept more than a couple of times in a week, it’s a sign that I should check it out. This policy has served me well in that I’ve listened to the hints of the universe and I’ve responded to them. Because of it, I’ve gotten some incredible recommendations and life-changing concepts. Recently, I was at a work event for iPEC coaching in which the founder of iPEC, Bruce D. Schneider, led the group through an exercise on space.

His theory, and the exercise, was to clear our minds of thoughts, worries, calendar items, and to allow ourselves the space to just be. The exercise was beautiful, and afterwards I felt so much lighter and well, spacious. A few days later, I saw a post by Brené Brown in which she talked about taking space for the summer away from her business and all the people who listen to her podcast and read her blogs. Brown said she felt risky by taking the space, and yet she knew it was the right thing for her, both personally and professionally.

What do you need to make space for in your life right now? #overwhelm #worry #stress #productivity #creativity Click To Tweet

Since then, I’ve seen and heard so many people talking about taking some space and how beneficial it is when they do so. It’s interesting because I felt that COVID was a bit of a way to have space, but maybe it wasn’t the space we really needed or wanted. Yes, I had space from other people and I had space from some of my work, and yet none of that space felt particularly good.

A Space Without Worry

What I realized after some deliberation is that I want space from worry, from overwhelm, from the “I shoulds” and the “I need to’s.” I want space from the internal pressure I put on myself to get things done, to make decisions and to have the next best plan. Ironically, and I’m sure not that surprising to most of you, when I take that space I’m so much more creative, productive, joyful, and open to whatever comes my way. When I set boundaries in order to give myself physical and emotional space, fabulous opportunities always come my way.

Space is the opposite of force, and when I sit in space there is no room for force. Things just come my way without pain, without force, and with joy and hope. Space is being present in the moment. It’s not forcing thoughts, overanalyzing feelings, or doing. It is space in that very moment and it’s quite profound. Do I give myself space all the time? Nope. And yet when I do, it’s worth every single minute of it.

I challenge you to try some space. You won’t regret it. And didn’t some famous person once say that space is the final frontier? 😉


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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