Happy 2022 beautiful people! Here’s hoping it is a fabulous year for all of us.

As you are thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2022 and as you are writing your goals down, here’s something to consider: Does your calendar from 2021 reflect your true you or your true values? Look back on your calendar and ask yourself if you filled the year with the things that you value most. Or was your calendar filled with “shoulds” and “have tos”?

I did this myself and realized that I had quite a few obligatory things on my calendar. “Oh, I should say yes to this because I like that person who asked me.” Or “I really have to do this so that people still like me.” Of course, what happens when you put obligatory things on your calendar? You have no room for the things, people, and events that matter most to you! My obligations took up space around some coaching opportunities and some free time to spend with family and friends.

New Calendar, New You

A new year gives us a new opportunity to very consciously and strategically put things on our calendar that matter to us. Before you say yes to something, ask yourself how you will feel a few weeks down the road when you look at your calendar and see that entry. Will you be excited and motivated, or will you be dreading it? If you’re dreading it, why did you say yes in the first place? Maybe it’s a medical procedure or something that is important for you to do. If so, can you reframe that to something you are choosing to do because you want to be healthy or safe?

This year, commit to a calendar of events that reflect your values. Say no more often so you have room for the things that bring you joy. #NewYear #joy #obligations #priorities Click To Tweet

If you are dreading it and it’s not related to health or security, why did you say yes? I’m asking this not with judgment, but rather with an opportunity for you to get curious. I find that I often say yes because I think I should or because I don’t want someone to be unhappy or disappointed with me. When I do that, I’m not honoring my values or living my life in a way that feels good and honest to me. I don’t want to dread my calendar, but rather look forward to it.

So, who is with me on building a joyous calendar full of what we value most for 2022?


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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