Self-care is a topic that seems to be tossed around a lot these days. It’s an interesting topic, in that I notice many people focus on external forms of self-care—manicures, massages, workouts, etc. Self-care is ultimately what you want it to be, and these external forms may be just right for you. However, what I often notice missing is the concept of internal self-care. How we look at the world and ourselves is probably the greatest indicator of our own well-being.

If you are getting manicures because you feel that you have to look a certain way to be loved or successful in this world, then is that really self-care? If you are getting massages to manage the extreme stress or anxiety you are feeling, are you really getting to the root of the issue or simply managing the symptoms that come from that stress? Is self-care a band-aid or a cure? The answer is unique to each of us, yet if we don’t consciously choose one or the other, we may not be getting to the deeper benefits of self-care.

What Is Internal Self-Care?

An inside self-care regimen would include a deep look inside ourselves, understanding our own likes and desires, and then seeking to bring those into our lives. Experiencing peace and joy may be part of your self-care plan and if so, how do you do that? Maybe you’d have more peace with a quieter house but for now, that’s not going to happen. So how can you find peace even in a chaotic home or work environment?

Ultimately, isn’t self-care about changing how we look at things versus spending countless, and often fruitless hours trying to change our surroundings? I’ve been married for thirty years and I’m sorry to report that I can’t change my husband. I’m not sorry because he’s a bad guy, but rather because I really like to control things. It’s a bummer that I can’t control him. I can, however, change how I look at him and thus find peace in acceptance and compassion for who he is and the experiences of our life. Letting go of trying to control others is a powerful self-care tool.What other ways can you bring internal self-care to your life?

Internal self-care is about changing how we look at things, not about spending countless, and often fruitless hours trying to change our surroundings. #self-care #stress #stressrelief Click To Tweet

What can you control? What can you let go of? What new ideas and thoughts can you adopt to change your inner world to a more positive, loving, and peaceful one? External self-care is lovely and I plan on continuing with it. When you add inner self-care, you will exponentially improve your mood, attitude, and choices. It’s an inside job and one I recommend you take on. Let me know how you do. 


Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. CPC

Lisa Kaplin Psy. D. PCC

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